There’s no need for an election in 2024 now that Biden has full, 100% immunity from crimes against humanity, laws, and constitutions. He will, as he should, declare the elections defunct and move forward, pardon Trump and put him in exile in Russia, Russia. And by Christmas, retire to Delaware, let Kamala take the reins and pick her own VP. I like anyone from the J6 committee. Some may be mad about this, but hell, immunity is immunity, for god sake. Don’t waste a good thing on trivia. And, at least, Joe’ll have made our nation safe for democracy. BTW. Liz says Trump’s unfit for any elected office. She right. Dangerous times require drastic measures. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, as I recall. The Supremes won’t hold Trump accountable. Biden must.

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The real story is that the news media covered for Biden for years.

So did the entire Democratic party.

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What happened in the debate should have been no surprise, to those of us who remember how Reagan obviously had dementia in his first term, but like Biden, his party and handlers, as well as the corporate media, covered for him the whole time. I already knew the reason Biden never did any press conferences, where he didn't already know all the ?s in advance, only it wasn't the same reason as Trump didn't do them. Trump didn't want to be confronted with hard or hostile ?s, Biden didn't want to do them, or even interviews, because he simply couldn't think straight, if he was under stress or facing unexpected ?s...

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Could be.

On the other hand Biden did become president. (Notice I didn't say he was elected.)

He's occupied the office since January 2021. It looks like Trump might have gotten a polling bump from the debate but not that much yet.

Replacing Biden with another Democrat would be difficult and the possible replacements are dreadful in their own ways.

So the party may indeed circle the wagons around Slow Joe as initial signs suggest.

Or the Obamas and Clintons may just be playing for time while they prepare to stick Biden on an ice flow and wave goodbye.

All anyone can do is guess but if I were Trump I'd be nervous about what these power-mad people might do, like put The Donald in jail.

Why not go full banana republic?

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I would love to see Trump in prison, but it'll never happen, firstly, because only rich and connected people who steal from other rich people, such as Bernie Madoff, get jailed, and secondly, because the powers that be are afraid of the inevitable civil war and rioting that would take place if they jailed Trump. Gretchen Whitmer would be the best replacement for Biden, as she could win Michigan, which they need, and right now, Biden has no chance of winning it, with the 600K Arabs living there, that hate him for his policies on Israel and Gaza.

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The expressions of shock over Biden's appearance by steadfast supporters of his administration ring hollow.

Biden's feeble behavior has long been obvious to those not blinded by partisanship.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

No shit, see my comment below.

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Great writing, Doug.

Doesn’t Trump need someone from a battleground state? I don’t disagree that Burgum could enhance the rural vote but I don’t see how ND helps Trump amass electoral votes. Of course, after Thursday night, he may not need to worry about it.

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With your record on identifying VP running mates before they're anointed, how can we doubt you? (We remember Sarah Palin.) And what's your guess on how long it will talk Donald Trump to go through Doug Burgum's fortune?

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Did someone slip Biden a "mickey"? His last public speaking event went off quite well, so to explain this train wreck can only be from something other than demetia or simple ageism.

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I've been telling people for five years now, that Biden has dementia, which is something I'm all too familiar with, as my late wife had it the last six years of her life, before dying from it. But Dem Party loyalists and liberals just don't want to hear the truth about that, and in that way, are just as deluded as the MAGA crowd, which I find really ironic. I supported Bernie twice, and if we had more intelligent voters and a less corrupt Dem Party and their supportive corporate media, we would have had Bernie as a two term president already, and Trump would be long gone and out of the picture, as working class voters would have had him for a left wing populist choice, instead of having only a right wing populist like Trump to appeal to them. But the Dems would rather have Trump as the populist choice over Bernie, since winning is not what matters to them, only corporate campaign cash and serving corporate America.

So I don't blame the voters for us having Trump around the last two cycles, I blame the DNC, since they've been paving the way for him for over a decade, actually all the way back to Bill Clinton, when the party's betrayal of the working class began. No need for the DLC anymore, as that mission is long ago accomplished..

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The war party wins no matter what.

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You got that right, so do the rich, corporate America, and Wall Street, every damned time. That's why well never have real reform, until a majority of voters wake up, and start voting third party in fed elections. But we'll all be long dead before then, because the corporate media will never give fair coverage to anyone but the two major parties, who advertise thru them.

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As a former reporter I take no pleasure in agreeing with you.

My former profession is infested by political operatives masquerading as journalists.

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So true. The corporate media in the US has been refusing to use the D word-dementia- for years now, regarding Biden, but all you have to do, is go to the foreign media, who don't have a vested interest in supporting our corrupt two party system, and you can hear the truth all the time. But so few Americans are ever exposed to it.

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