Thanks for this piece Doug. Thinking about the ways in which people have issues in common is a great antidote to the now mainstream paradigm of thinking we are all at each other's throats.

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Yes, local matters. A regional conservative activist once said ( I was director of the state Civil Rights Commission and advocating for expanding coverage under discrimination laws to LGBTQ communities)--"I would rather have 1000 school board members who subscribe to our conservative social beliefs than have a social conservative in the Presidency". This was said during Obama years.

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I remember doing a story at The Ames Tribune in the 1990s with conservatives discussing strategy of going after school board seats. Thanks for the insight Ralph, and for reading.

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Yes, there were example of certain evangelical conservatives running and winning seats, while keeping their religious views out of the campaign trail. I would attend forums and ask questions. Thirty years ago, the social issues were prayer in school and teaching of creationism.

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So true. Thanks for all you do Doug

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