MAGA is the party of hate. All you need to do is listen to Trump at one of his rallies. Due to the hate he and his MAGA cultists preach it is rational to fear violence in either a Trump loss or victory.

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Did Trump do all these awful things his first term?? I recall low inflation and no new world conflicts and NATO nations startIng to paying their fair share, among other good things.

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So Trump's to blame if he wins and Trump's to blame if he loses.

Nothing better illustrates the irrational nature of the Trump haters.

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Those who claim things were better four years ago never bring up Covid. It's a mystery how soon the memory of a million dead Americans can be dismissed. Gas was cheap because people weren't driving; inflation was fueled by big companies and price-gouging.

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I find it laughable -- and yes, scary -- that so many people have short-term or selective memory of all the bad things that happened in Trump's first term. Is "low inflation" (which a president has limited control over) really a strong enough reason to ignore J6, all the lies, and the constant spewing of hatred? Are you not listening to the threats of retribution he seethes at every one of his rallies? Sure doesn't seem very Christian-like.

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My fear, another January 6

That day is telling about the degree of violence and vitriol that Trump supports. His malignment of the press, election processes, and people with differences is a Third Reich procedure manual.

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I also fear the outcome, which ever side wins. Can we have peace? My hope is that we can come together, make peace with each other and build a future for everyone’s children.

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The answer to the “dictator” question from Sen Harkin: During a Fox News town hall in December 2023, Donald Trump, when asked about being a dictator, said he wouldn’t be one—except on "Day One." On that day, he outlined two key actions: closing the U.S.-Mexico border and expanding oil drilling in the U.S. These policies reflect his ongoing focus on immigration and energy independence, both of which were central themes during his first term.

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