One of your best pieces ever, Doug. And a clarion call for action on this. If we don’t make something happen, what’s wrong with us?

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Powerful commentary, Doug. Of course.

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Thank you for the challenge to take action, Doug. There is so much more that can and should be done beyond wringing our hands. And thank you for challenging us to be horrified at how easily we fall into the formula of handling these events linked to your what you describe clearly as the industrial kid-killing complex. That very true description of what is going on in way too many communities across our country should be a clarion call for action. We were in DC when the Perry school shooting happened and I took a package to FedEx to send on January 5. When the lady behind the counter looked at the address on my ID she said she heard the story about the shooting on the news and when she heard that this school shooting happened in Iowa her first thought was, "Well that can't be - these things don't happen in Iowa" and my thought was well yeah until they do, until they do. The idea that schools in every region of our country have been or can become killing fields should terrify every single one of us.

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Poignant piece Doug. You stirred a memory. Last fall during a wild rainstorm I drove to pick up my niece on an early release day. A heavy downpour, terrific lightening strikes and palpable thunder had persisted for about 15 minutes. My niece rushed to my car. We chatted about the weather. She told me she initally thought there was a shooting in her school as thunder shook the building. I asked if she was afraid, her response was "Sort of, but we have had active shooter training so I was prepared ." Needless to say, I was and continue to be sad that she has to consider a shooting in her school. This is our state and country. We are under attack on many fronts.

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You are one deep thinker. What a beautifully written piece. And a tie to social media I hadn't thought of. Interesting legislation.

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Pertinent, exquisitely written; most impactful Collaborative Substack yet. Forwarded to the parents of our seven grandkids. I assume Grundmeier and Obradovich are lurking subscribers and encourage them to pass it on.

And: "Main Character Syndrome" link an education in itself. Thank you.

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Having my son tell me that he and his friends all have escape plans for any given classroom was quite the gut punch.

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Thank you for laying out alternatives for government involvement, since the private sector has failed; thus the role for regulation by public entities. Interesting to see that one of the most anti govt. elected officials, DeSantis, is supporting govt. intervention into the market place. Is it possible that social media concerns and AI will become non-partisan issues and serve as proof of the need for govt action.

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