Lorena Lopez — an MVP Iowan. As a lifelong journalist myself, I’m so proud of what she’s done for her readers, communities, state and America.

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Good read. Denison was enroute going from eastern to western Iowa for many years, either 141 or 30 are scenic journeys. Last year I stopped for gas in Denison. Too many people with guns tucked into their jeans and mounted in pickup windows for me to stop there again. I applaud newspaper availability written in Spanish and English. A community focus and reporting on public entities is valuable.

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Eastern Iowa certainly needs a shot of independent newspaper publishers who provide similar treatment of their readers. To many of our news organizations in smaller communities are being treated to similar cut and run outfits whose only driving force is advertising and little else. When the population stops reading the advertisers know it. When that happens advertising dries up and the newspaper disappears.

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👍 Really great story!

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